Friday, September 26, 2014

I spoke at the TxT/The Details

I spoke in New York at the  Tech and Taste makers event on September 3 at New York Swiss Institute. I spoke on future of wearables and what internet of things will mean for consumers. It was organized by Details magazine, and brought a number of fashion, style, technology professionals from various industries.

I spoke at the re:MAKE

I got together with maker women in San Francisco on September 12 at Fort Mason Center. It was a very lively bunch and incredibly creative too! I spoke about the future of wearables as well as internet of things; and how these technologies will create an opportunity for individuals to be entrepreuners.

I also showed MICA! MICA is a bracelet which has is a jewellery piece with cutting-edge technology. And introduced Edison, our new platform to make all things smart!

Brit + Co is an online media and e-commerce platform that provides tools to teach, inspire, and enable creativity among women and girls. From traditional crafts to high-tech manufacturing, we connect millions of users with makers, designers, chefs, and inventors, together building a community of creativity.

You can find more on Brit here:

Here is the story on MICA from a few days ago as well:

Friday, September 12, 2014

Intel ve Opening Ceremony’den kadınlara hem şık hem akıllı bileklik: MICA

Intel ve Amerika’nın önde gelen moda evi Opening Ceremony, New York’ta gerçekleşen Fashion Week kapsamında düzenledigimiz Opening Ceremony İlkbahar/Yaz 2015 Defilesi’nde beklenen akıllı bileklik MICA’yı gün yüzüne çıkardi: “Benim Akıllı İletişim Aksesuarım”
Intel ve Opening Ceremony, New York’ta düzenlenen  Opening Ceremony İlkbahar/Yaz 2015 Defilesi’nde birlikte geliştirdigimiz akıllı bilekliği ilk kez sergiledik. Adını “My Intelligent Communication Accesory (Benim Akıllı İletişim Aksesuarım)” ifadesinin baş harflerinden alan MICA, Opening Ceremony tarafından tasarlandı ve Intel tarafından üretildi. Gelişmiş iletişim yeteneklerinin yanı sıra eşsiz tasarımıyla kadınsı bir aksesuar olan MICA, üretim sürecinin başından sonuna kadar bir moda tasarım markası ve küresel bir teknoloji şirketinin ortak çalışması sonucunda ortaya çıktı.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Nolita/soho digs, New York City.

Places to eat: The General’s Jazz room Asian food. The Mercer Hotel bistro appetizers. Phebe’s IPAs. Chobani, prince street,  breakfast a la Turk! DBGB’s (old punkrock establishment CBGB’s replaced via giant city block and a restaurant), burgers, on Bowery. New York classic pizza at Lombardi’s. Isola café/bar at the Mondrian, spritz. No time left: Cuban at Habana café, and Nolita Taco café. Places to stay: The Standard, east village, on cooper square. Coolest: Bond street. Elizabeth street park. The New Museum.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What being home means.

Take one. The wind.
Take two. Long way down dreams with the best crew.
Take three. Catching up a million years in sixty minutes.
Take four. Bumping into adventurers.
Take five. Saying goodbye over and over.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Ayse Arman Roportajim

Karşınızda Silikon Vadisi sakinlerinden Ayşegül İldeniz
Nefes kesen bir kadın. Yaptığı şeyleri sayarken takip edebilmek, hızına yetişebilmek bile zor. O hiperaktif değilse, hiç kimse değildir!